Tuesday, November 28, 2017

A Trip I'll Never Forget

Sadly, our trip to Thailand has come to an end. Sitting here with a whole month to reflect on is humbling. This opportunity has provided me with not only with academic experiences, but overall life experience as well. Throughout our trip we were able to compare and contrast our healthcare system with theirs as well as the role of pharmacy specifically in this country. Although there are many differences, it is clear that the priority lies in the actual care and comfort of the patient as a human. The respect the Thai people show each other is genuine and unmatched. I'd love to see more healthcare professionals look at patients as people rather than disease states. Their courtesy for others didn't dissipate upon leaving their professional roles, all those we came in contact with showed genuine interest in our trip and were willing to give advice on where to go and what to see. These led to cultural experiences such as the elephant camp, and what a day that was! Spending time with these gentle giants was astounding and you can truly tell how much the keepers love them. Someone please let my mom know that I decided to bring an elephant home rather than my luggage. All jokes aside this trip has enlightened me in so many ways. I got here and decided to go into every single thing completely open-minded, and that truly allows me to take home so much more than just souvenirs. I'm leaving here with some unbreakable bonds, a newfound love for Thai food and cooking in general, the ability to speak with others without being so shy, and a weird new obsession with some koala snack crackers. I want to continue to take full advantage of different opportunities and new things when I get back to the states, and I urge everyone else to do so as well. So, eat the bugs, try the scorpion, run around with elephants, just stay open-minded. What I really learned is that you can never guess how much you'll gain from an experience without jumping in headfirst and I'm so happy I did.

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This  rotation has taught me an incredible amount about the differences and similarities in pharmacy/healthcare practice in other cou...